Saturday, November 17, 2012

Foods Not Chemicals

One of the four main principles of Sunrider's Philosophy of Regeneration is that the body needs Foods not Chemicals.  Obviously, the body was designed to digest food - not chemicals.  But did you know that even vitamins, minerals, protein powders, fats and carbohydrates by themselves are just chemicals?  Yes, each element comes from nature, but the body does not recognize them as foods. 

For example, if you take a fish it is made up of fats, carbs, proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc.  However, if you take those elements separately and put them together you cannot make a fish. This is just one example of what separates Sunrider from all the other herbal food companies.   There products are made with whole foods and all those elements are kept in tact. 

When you look at a Sunrider bottle label you will never see how much vitamins or minerals it contains because it is very tough to measure how many vitamins and minerals is in every food. When you eat an orange you have no idea how much vitamin C is in there and when you eat the whole orange you are getting much more than the isolated vitamin C.  When you eat the whole orange you are getting several different vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.  As you can see the whole food source is much more beneficial than the isolated nutrient. 

Ex. Sunrider's Quinary (balances the five major systems of the body) contains 50 different foods!  There products are always formulated with many different foods.  They never have just one food in a product because each food helps to balance or enhances the benefits of the other so that we get maximum nutrition.

If you are looking for safe,  high quality, concentrated super foods look no further than Sunrider.  There is nothing else in the world like it.

Yours in health,

Kristy Kurtz
Certified Holistic Nutrionist