Saturday, November 17, 2012

Foods Not Chemicals

One of the four main principles of Sunrider's Philosophy of Regeneration is that the body needs Foods not Chemicals.  Obviously, the body was designed to digest food - not chemicals.  But did you know that even vitamins, minerals, protein powders, fats and carbohydrates by themselves are just chemicals?  Yes, each element comes from nature, but the body does not recognize them as foods. 

For example, if you take a fish it is made up of fats, carbs, proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc.  However, if you take those elements separately and put them together you cannot make a fish. This is just one example of what separates Sunrider from all the other herbal food companies.   There products are made with whole foods and all those elements are kept in tact. 

When you look at a Sunrider bottle label you will never see how much vitamins or minerals it contains because it is very tough to measure how many vitamins and minerals is in every food. When you eat an orange you have no idea how much vitamin C is in there and when you eat the whole orange you are getting much more than the isolated vitamin C.  When you eat the whole orange you are getting several different vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.  As you can see the whole food source is much more beneficial than the isolated nutrient. 

Ex. Sunrider's Quinary (balances the five major systems of the body) contains 50 different foods!  There products are always formulated with many different foods.  They never have just one food in a product because each food helps to balance or enhances the benefits of the other so that we get maximum nutrition.

If you are looking for safe,  high quality, concentrated super foods look no further than Sunrider.  There is nothing else in the world like it.

Yours in health,

Kristy Kurtz
Certified Holistic Nutrionist

Monday, October 22, 2012

Healthy Substitutes for Baking and Cooking

I have been learning to substitute with healthier options in my original recipes for a few years now.  It has not been an easy process.  Lots of trial and error when it comes to baking.  I am always continuing to learn and as I am doing that I will share with you. 

These substitutes naturally contain nutrients. 


The arrowroot plant is a starchy topical herb.  It is easy to digest and can be used in replace of cornstarch in any recipe.  Just remember it thickens before it boils, do not overcook it as it will thicken more as the food cools. 


There are different kinds of baking powder available.  Some are healthier than others.  The best baking powder is made of tartaric acid and cream of tartar (a combination of yeast and grape compounds that come from sediment deposited in wine casks due to fermentation).  It acts quickly so batter should be used immediately after the baking powder is mixed into it. 

Phosphate baking powder is made of calcium  and sodium phosphates.  Due to its high sodium contact it poses potential health risks.

Double-acting baking powder also has potential health risks because it contains sodium aluminum sulfate.  Aluminum is stored in the brain stem and has been associated with neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's.  There are Aluminum FREE baking powders available at your nearest health food store.


This is a sweetener that is great for people with diabetes and for those who are concerned with calorie intake as 1 tsp. contains 3 calories. 


Blackstrap Molasses is very high in minerals and iron!  Your body utilizes it easily and is good to add to infant formula.  Blackstrap Molasses and barley malt are excellent sweeteners.


Carob is high in calcium, Vitamin B's, magnesium, and pectin.  You can substitute chocolate with carob powder.  Since it is low in fat it doesn't have the preservatives in it that chocolate does.  It has little sodium and contains 8% protein.  It comes in several different forms such as: powder, chips or drops, liquid and candy.


Buy organically grown, unsulfured ones that contain no preservatives.


White flour has no nutrients as they are all lost during the milling process.  Use rye flour, corn flour, oat flour, rice flour, kamut, spelt, nut flours, coconut flouretc to replace white flour.  I often replace flour with brown rice flour 1:1 and add 1 tsp. xanthum gum for every cup of flour I am using.  If you are making muffins or cakes you will need to add oat bran to keep it from getting too sticky.  When you are starting to eat gluten free (if that is what you are choosing) it can be a little tough at first to figure out the right substitutions and if you are like me had many failed attempts at things turning out.  Black beans can also be used in place of flour in some recipes like brownies. 


Millet has often been called "the king of cereals".  It is very high in protein and easy to make.  It is less allergenic than wheat and naturally alkaline.  Other than Quinoa and Amaranth, Millet has the most complete protein of any grain.  If you can get it into your diet twice a week that is great.  Millet is also a good food for those that have sugar problems.  Add cut up dried fruit to millet and cook as a cereal.  This is also a good food first cereal babies as it is easy to digest.  This is also good for people with colitis, ulcers, urinary disorders and acidosis.  Helps to keep cholesterol in balance as well. 


Better to eat fresh ground nut butters or a peanut butter that is unhydrogenated.  Check the health food store for unhydrogenated nut butters. 


Cane sugar, corn syrup, dextrose, glucose and sucrose should be completely avoided.  Replace sugar with uncooked, unfiltered, raw honey (using 1/2 cup of honey instead of 1 cup sugar and reducing the amount of liquid by 1/4 cup, unless the recipe doesn't call for any other liquid add 3 tbsp. of flour).  You can also use maple syrup, unsulfured molasses, purees, fruit juices, apple sauce, barley malt syrup and rice malt syrup.


Tamari sauce is an excellent source of protein.  Pick one without added MSG.  Tamari is a better choice than soy sauce because it is naturally fermented and preserved.  Commercial soy sauce contains preservatives and other additives, including MSG.  It is naturally salty so you do not need to add salt to your meal.  Tamari is a great sauce to use when browning mushrooms and onions instead of butter or oil.  Nice to add to stir fried vegetables, soups, casseroles, nut burgers.  Add at the end of the cooking process to protect the enzymes and nutrients it contains. 


I love replacing butter with coconut oil in my baking.  I even add a tbsp. to my oatmeal or quinoa breakfast cereal in the morning.  Can be used to replace oil and butter.  Spread it on your toast, rice cakes, banana bread and whatever else you can think of.  There are too many health benefits to mention for this one food. 

I hope these substitutions can help you in your kitchen!  Don't be overwhelmed by them.  A little at a time and you will get better results and there is a higher chance of you sticking to it.  Simple step at a time.

On the weekend I took part in a Acid/Alkaline Diet Bootcamp and will be sharing with you what I learned on food combining on my next blog post.

Yours in health,

Kristy Kurtz
Certified Holistic Nutritionist

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Great Recipes for Kids - and Grown Ups


3 cups plain yogurt
1 cup fruit juice concentrate (no sugar added)

In a medium bowl, blend the yogurt and juice together well.  Pour the mixture into ice cube trays, cover the trays with plastic wrap and stand up a woddedn Popsicle stick in the center of each cube and freeze!


Graham crackers to form a single layer on a cookie sheet
1/2 - 1 1/2 tsps. fresh peanut, almond, or cashew butter for each graham cracker
1 - 2 bananas, sliced
1/2 - 1 cup carob chips
1/4 cup crushed nuts (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
2. Place the graham crackers or cookies on the cookie sheet.  Top each with layer of nut butter.  If desired, top with a layer of banana slices.
3. Sprinkle with carob chips and, if desired, crushed nuts.
4. Bake just until the carob chips melt.  Serve immediately.


1/2 ripe banana
2 tbsp. almond or sesame butter
2 tsp. tofu mayonnaise
1 tbsp. soft raisins

In a medium bowl, mix all of the ingredients together.  Serve in a pita pocket, on whole grain bread or with crackers.


For a healthy snack, fill a whole grain pita pocket with any of the following:

- Almond butter and sliced bananas
- Soy cream cheese or mashed tofu and nut butter
- Nut butter and chopped, diced dates
- Jelly and sliced bananas
- soy cream cheese, pineapple rings and chopped nuts

For a larger meal:

- Chicken salad
- Tuna salad
- Egg salad
- Hummus

Add sprouts or lettuce, tomato slices and serve. 

Yours in health,

Kristy Kurtz
Certified Holistic Nutritionist

Friday, October 5, 2012


Sugar is definitely a hot topic, and we all know that sugar is not good for us.  However, there still seems to be some confusion about the health risks associated with eating sugar and whether or not there are any good alternatives.  I am going to try to clear up any misunderstandings with the whole sugar dilemma.
The average person consumes about 150 pounds of sugar every year.  Around 550 - 650 calories a day or nearly 3lbs per week.  When you consider the daily recommended caloric intake of 2000 calories/day that is 1/4 of your daily calories.
Sugar is hidden in so many foods and is the #1 food additive today.  The empty calories (meaning calories with 0 nutritional content) contribute directly to overweight, diabetes, tooth decay and overall poor health.  More than half of the American population is overweight.  Type 2 Diabetes has increased by 33% in the past 10 years alone. 

Excess sugar suppresses the immune system.  In fact 1 tsp of sugar suppresses the immune system for up to 12 hours!  It also causes a mineral imbalance, produces an acidic stomach, causes hyperactivity, anxiety, concentration difficulties and heart disease, fatigue, weight gain, depression and arthritis.
Dietary sugars feed harmful intestinal yeasts, toxic organisms, fungi and all forms of cancer.  Sugar has NO vitamins, minerals, fiber and weakens the endocrine system.  Many studies have shown that high sugar diets may be a major contributing factor to Candida.  Sugar raises the insulin levels and prevents the release of growth hormones and in turns depresses the immune system.   The combination of a lowered immune system and increased growth of bacteria is a double threat for Candida (yeast over growth). 
Sugar intake may also be a cause of kidney stones.  This can happen due to the increase in insulin levels which then increases the release of calcium into the urine.
2 teaspoons of sugar changes the blood chemistry and creates an imbalanced state in the body.  After consuming sugar, the mineral balance also changes.  The decrease of minerals in the bloodstream means that enzymes may not be able to work properly.  Without enzymes, our body's cannot digest food and this leaves the undigested foods.  Undigested foods ferment and irritate the gastrointestinal tract.  Tiny particles are then able to get into the bloodstream which can lead to allergic reactions, headaches, dizziness, fatigue or mood changes.  They can also go into the bones, joints and tissues which an result in stiffness and arthritis. 
Other Names for Sugar (if the label has any of these ingredients on it, it is some form of sugar)
- barley malt, beet sugar, blackstrap molasses, brown sugar, cane sugar, caramel, corn fructose, corn sweetener, corn syrup, date sugar, demerara sugar, dextrin, dextrose, fructose, fruit fructose, glucose, grape sugar, grape sweetener, herbal sweetener, high fructose corn syrup, honey, invert sugar, lactose, maltose, mannitol, maple syrup, molasses, polydextrose, raw sugar, sorbitol, sorghum, sucrose, turbinado

Sugar is found in almost all processed foods like sodas, fruit drinks, frozen dinners, breads, cereals and canned foods.  High fructose corn syrup is very cheap and the most commonly used.  For optimal health it is very important to keep sugars to a minimum.

Best sweeteners to use:
- barley malt
- barley syrup
- beet sugar
- blackstrap molasses
- rice syrup
- herbal sweeteners such as stevia

Sunrider's Alternative

SuncarePlus® is a potent blend of stevia leaf extract and chrysanthemum flowers. Other brands commonly use a chemical reaction to process stevia, altering its natural structure. However, the stevia in SuncarePlus® undergoes a unique purifying and concentration process that preserves the natural structure.

 Yours in health,

Kristy Kurtz
Certified Holistic Nutritionist
Ph: (306) 924-5242

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Like most woman I want to look as youthful as possible and use products that will not only keep me looking young, minimize fine lines and wrinkles, but that are safe and that are made with the highest quality ingredients.  I am going to give you a few facts and educate you on a skin care that is unlike any other on the market.  I also want to mention that beautiful skin doesn't just stem from a great skin care product, but from a healthy diet as well!  Remember, what you take in must come out in some way and often skin irritations and acne are the bodies way of cleansing out toxins or reacting to something going on internally.
 The skin is an extremely important and complex system that lives, breathes and carries out important functions of the body.  Just like the rest of our body the skin must be properly nourished, balanced and cleansed. 

Basic Facts
  • The skin is an organ of elimination.  If we put products on our skin which prevent it from "breathing, ex. clogging it so that is can't excrete toxins from the body, the toxins back up and put pressure on the other organs of elimination eg. Kidney's and liver
  • As part of the body's immune system the skin also acts as a barrier to keep harmful bacteria and chemicals from entering the body.
  • The quality of a product is determined by its pH level.
  • The normal pH for skin is between 5.5 and 6.5, slightly acidic so it can repel toxins.  Any product that we put on our skin which is not in that pH range will destroy the acid mantle and create problems.  It takes 12 hours to replace the acid mantle.  In the meantime, without protective barrier, bacteria and infection can penetrate the skin resulting in skin eruptions such as blackheads, pimples and sores.
  • Zinc oxide is a key ingredient to have in skin care products.  It protects the skin from UV rays, helps with wound healing and synthesizing collagen to name a few. 
Did you Know?
  • Mineral oil, petrolatum and paraffin are by-products of petroleum (gas) productions and its molecules are too large to be absorbed by human skin as a moisturizer, causing clogged pores, blackheads and poor respiration.
  • The grease base in many cosmetics is simply recycled restaurant grease because it is inexpensive.
  • Good bacteria on the surface of the skin are destroyed by high alkaline soaps; even expensive name brand soaps register high on the pH scale. 
  • Body odour is often a mixture of perspiration and bacteria resulting from the use of these soaps.
  • Mineral oil is cheap and makes skin drier.  The mineral oil "seals" the skin so it cannot breathe and perspire. 
Why Sunrider Skin Care is the BEST choice?

The Sunrider cosmetic and skin care product lines, Kandesn and Oi-Lin, use vegetable-based ingredients, gentle, yet effective exfoliants, and are pH balanced to cleanse, balance and moisturize the entire skin, according to the philosophy of Regeneration.

Many companies use animal oil, mineral oil, and petroleum by-products, include too many or the wrong type of exfoliants, and make pH imbalanced products - all creating issues for your skin.

Because total body health is the goal at Sunrider, their products not only nourish the body from the inside out, but the outside in as well.

With Sunrider they want to make sure that your skin can breathe and that it is moisturized at the deepest level. 

Just like the Sunrider foods, the skin care products are made with whole foods and we often call them a "salad for the face".  Owner expertise ensures the safety, quality and effectiveness of Sunrider products.  Dr. Chen is always coming out with the most cutting edge products.  

I am passionate about using great skin care products and taking care of my skin and I would not use another product!  Not only are these products absolutely amazing, but they are extremely affordable! 

You are never too old or too young to take care of your skin!  If you would like to use a skin care that is not only good for your health, but that will give you glowing, youthful skin and reduce or minimize fines lines and wrinkles and that will give you smooth, silky looking skin this is it!!!!!  My skin has NEVER felt or looked so good. 

For more information on how the Sunrider Skin Care works watch this video
Yours in health,
Kristy Kurtz
Certified Holistic Nutritionist
Ph: (306) 924-5242

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


We all know that fruits and vegetables are a very important part of our daily dietary intake.  They are full of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants.  Juicing is a great way to help increase or meet your daily requirements for fruits and vegetables.

There are two parts to all plant life and they are 1) fibers and the 2) juice.  Fiber is essential to proper digestion and optimal health.  However, when you are juicing the fiber (pulp) is often left behind which allows all the nutrients, enzymes and phytochemicals to be quickly digested and absorbed by the body.  The digestive system absorbs a large amount of the nourishment in whole raw fruits and vegetables.  The bodies rapid absorption of raw juices quickly provides the cells and tissues with the nutrients and enzymes.

In order for the digestive system to separate the nutrition from fiber involves time and labor.  Fruit is absorbed rather quickly, but vegetables can take up to hours.  Our bodies only have so much energy to go around and by digesting certain foods use up energy.  That is often why you get that sluggish, tired feeling after a heavy meal.  Your body is taking a lot of energy to digest the food you just ate.  When fruits and vegetables are juiced and we drink the juice our bodies don't have to go through that tiresome work of separating the fibers from the juices. 

Although Juicing has it's benefits it also has limitations. 

Most of the fruits and vegetables are at their peak nutritional value when they are ripe.  However, more than 60% of the produce commercially grown in the United States is picked several days before it is ripe.  Then it is shipped all over and when it arrives at its destination and then by the time you purchase it and bring it home it is several days or even weeks old and still not naturally ripe.  In order for fruits and vegetables to keep their appearance keep from spoiling they have been sprayed with several chemicals. 

The Science of Juicing
Do you know which parts of the plant to juice?  Do you know which plants are better blanched or steamed?   Did you pick the plants at just the right time?  Did you know some plants are at their highest nutritional quality when picked before sunrise?

Do we have enough different kinds of plants to meet the wide range of nutrients our bodies need?  Our bodies need a huge variety of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, essential oils, proteins and carbohydrates.  Lets just say we are severely limited by the selection of fruits and vegetables available to us. 

Sunrider is "Healthy Fast Food to Go!"

Personally, I have never gone to the trouble of juicing because I am lucky enough to have Sunrider herbal foods at my finger tips and they provide me with more nutrients than I could ever get from juicing.  The Sunrider products provide me with a wide variety of herbs and foods everyday.  They are inexpensive compared to what it would cost me to juice and receive the same benefits.  In fact, we did a calculation once a couple years ago and we figured we would have to juice approximately $50 worth of fruits and vegetables in order to receive the benefits we get from one package of NuPlus for $2.  Consuming the Sunrider Vitashake or NuPlus I don't even have to think about whether I am getting enough variety, or what time the plant or fruit was picked and whether its at its nutritional peak because it's all been done for us.

All the fruits, vegetables and herbs used in "Sunrider concentrated juices" have been harvested at the exact moment of optimum nutrition and prepared according to the precise requirements of each plant.  No additives, chemicals or preservatives are used at any stage of the products of Sunrider products.  Sunrider is the optimum in convenient and efficient nutrition, for people "on the go".  Sunrider has done all the work for us! 

The ancient Chinese have perfected the science of juicing and extracting, and use hundreds of plants.  We choose maybe 20 and I would say that is high.   

Fresh juice can be an excellent source of nutrients.  Sunrider uses several hundred plants in their formulas for a broad and balanced spectrum of nutrient complexes.  All formulas are perfectly balanced within themselves and with all other Sunrider formulas.  They mix well with other foods in our diets.  The other great thing is it takes no energy for our body to digest the Sunrider Foods.  We call them "pre-digested".  You are giving your body this highly concentrated nutrition and your body receives all the wonderful benefits without any waste or energy requirements.  The cells, tissues, organs, etc simply absorb all the nutrients.  When I drink my Sunrider NuPlus or vitashake I always say it feels like my body is a sponge....I can feel it literally just absorbing or soaking up all the wonderful nutrients. 

Sunrider is the largest herbal food company in the world.  No other company uses their exclusive methods with this attention to detail, quality and purity.  In addition to the fresh fruits and vegetables you eat as a part of your daily diet, Sunrider herb foods can help provide you with an additional supply of nutritional elements from which our bodies can create glowing health and vitality.

Watch this video by J.W. Emerson to learn more on Sunrider's flagship food "NUPLUS"  Pure whole food!

Look forward to helping you on your health and wellness journey!! 

Yours in health,

Kristy Kurtz
Certified Holistic Nutritionist
Sunrider Independent Business Owner
Ph: (306) 924-5242

Friday, September 21, 2012

To Live a Long Life Requires a Healthy Immune System!

The Immune System is our foundation of health.  We can only live as long as our immune system will let us.   Our entire healing process is directed by our immune system.  It is the front line defense system against viruses, fungi, bacteria and is the key to fighting everything from a tiny cut to a deadly virus.
Poor diet, daily stress, and exposure to toxins in our food, water and environment are all contributing factors to a weakening immune system.  It doesn't matter what the person's genetic makeup is, if the body’s toxic load is kept under control and the immune system is strong, disease is unlikely to develop.  Our immune system is the body’s most powerful defense against cancer.  Treatments should focus on enhancing or making our immune systems stronger so that it can destroy cancerous cells, keeping DHEA at adequate levels and regulating cortisol.  

The immune system even extends influence over how people age.  Aging may have more to do with the functioning of the immune system than it does to the passage of time.  It is so important in understanding how our immune system works and that it is functioning at maximum efficiency and that it is a top priority for your health.
A weakened immune system results in an increased susceptibility to every type of illness.  Some common signs of a weakened immune system are: fatigue, repeated colds and infections, inflammation, allergic reactions, slow wound healing and chronic diarrhea.  It is also possible to become ill as a result of an immune response that is too strong or that is directed at the wrong target.  These are known as “autoimmune, or self attacking” disorders. 

Proper Care of the Immune System:
Our immune system can only protect us if we nourish it properly.  The chemicals in household cleaners, overuse of antibiotics and other drugs; antibiotics, pesticides and several additives in our foods and exposure to environmental pollutants all place a strain on the immune system.  Stress also plays a huge role in the weakening of the immune system.  Stress suppresses the normal activity of white blood cells and places demands on the endocrine system, as well as depletes the body of needed nutrients.

Immune Boosting foods:
All fresh fruits and berries are good choices, apricots, kiwis, avocados, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries.  Best vegetables are: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, watercress, turnip greens, collards, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, red and orange sweet peppers and onions and garlic.  Barley, a grain is also good.  If possible, try to eat at least half of your fruits and green leafy vegetables raw. 

Also keeping friendly bacteria in the intestinal tract is important.  A good way to restore this is to eat Sunrider’s vitadophilus or to eat plain yogurt (preferably non dairy such as soymilk yogurt) labeled “live culture”.
Avoid: overconsuming animal products, processed foods, sugar and soft drinks.  Avoid overeating in general.

Be sure to get enough sleep.  Most of the regeneration and healing of the body happens during sleep.  Get regular moderate exercise.  Exercises reduces stress, elevates mood, promotes blood circulation and ensures a good supply of oxygen to every part of the body.
Do not smoke or consume beverages containing alcohol or caffeine and do not take any drugs except those that are prescribed by your physician.
Note: An under active thyroid usually results in immune deficiency as well.  Just something to be aware of.

Sunrider Products for Immune Health

Alpha 20C® is designed to address the body's defense system with “wood element” herbs that contain naturally occurring antioxidants and fortifying properties.* Sunrider’s proprietary formula is based on 3,000 years of herbal study and cutting-edge technology. Recent studies show that many of the herbal and botanical ingredients we use may contain beneficial bioactive components. Alpha 20C® is available in both capsules and powder form.

Citric C Tab
The primary ingredient in Citric C Tab is Vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin that is necessary for normal growth and development.* Unlike other Vitamin C, chewable Citric C Tab is formulated with owner expertise and contains herbal concentrates in a proprietary blend. The natural orange flavour makes these tabs taste delicious.

Vitamin C is a known antioxidant, which has been shown to inactivate damaging free radicals and play an essential role in collagen formation, necessary for strengthening bones and blood vessels.* Vitamin C promotes healthy teeth and gums and helps in the absorption of iron.* It aids in the maintenance of normal connective tissue and helps the body's immune system.*

The natural ingredients in the proprietary blend of Citric C Tab are known for their antioxidant properties. For example, our Citric C Tab is a dusty orange color, because it contains concentrated rose hips, a natural source of Vitamin C. Other brands may contain minute quantities of rose hips, if any. Each Citric C Tab contains 125 mg of Vitamin C, 200% of the recommended daily values.
Natural Product Number (NPN): 02243757

VitaDophilus® (build good bowel bacteria)VitaDophilus® supplies a minimum of 20 million live culture bacteria to the body. These beneficial bacteria imbed themselves in the walls of the intestines.* Delicious apples form the base of our VitaDophilus® powder.

Naturally occurring lactobacillus acidophilus in the digestive tract helps break down food, so the body can efficiently absorb the nutrients.* The presence of this beneficial bacteria in the digestive system can help displace or decrease non-beneficial micro-organisms, some of which can lead to fermentation, thereby causing bloating and gas, or rob the body of necessary nutrients.* VitaDophilus® helps the body maintain proper digestion.*


Calli® Regular, Mint & Cinnamon (help rid the body of toxins)
Recently, many other beverage manufacturers have "discovered" the various health advantages of drinking green tea. Sunrider has used it in Calli® for 20 years. However, Calli® is much more than just green tea. It's an exclusive formula created using owner expertise with proven effectiveness.

Catechins are naturally occurring polyphenol chemicals found in Camellia sinensis, the primary ingredient in Calli® (and Fortune Delight®). These antioxidants have been shown to be effective in absorbing damaging free radicals.

While many of the undesirable elements we take into our body are quickly eliminated, others are not. Combined with a healthy meal and exercise program, the unique herbal extracts in Calli® assist in the body's natural cleansing processes.

Calli® Night
This special herbal formula in a tea bag contains an exclusive combination of herbs. It is designed for people who enjoy a cup of herbal beverage at night to help get a good night's sleep. You can drink it during the day to help you relax when under stress. There are no chemicals or caffeine added to this all-natural formula.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Ask me how you can start using Sunrider products today!

Yours in health,

Kristy Kurtz
Certified Holistic Nutritionist
(306) 924-5242

Monday, September 17, 2012

Live - Vibrant - Health: A Beverage that Cleanses the Fat Cells Naturally

Live - Vibrant - Health: A Beverage that Cleanses the Fat Cells Naturally: Wouldn't it be nice to drink a beverage that not only tastes good, quenched your thirst, but also helps to reshape your body, protect your s...

A Beverage that Cleanses the Fat Cells Naturally

Wouldn't it be nice to drink a beverage that not only tastes good, quenched your thirst, but also helps to reshape your body, protect your skin, help you look younger, give you energy and flush fat?!  Well there is!!  Fortune Delight offers all of those wonderful benefits and more.

Fortune Delight is a herbal beverage with concentrated antioxidants.  It helps balance body-water to keep us hydrated.  Fortune Delight replaces minerals that can be lost due to hot weather or due to sweating from exercise.  It is a great substitute for sports drinks to replace electrolytes (minerals).  Fortune Delight has NO SUGAR OR NO ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS.  Most sports drinks have 6 or more teaspoons of sugar. 

Fortune Delight contains natural chlorophyll.  So by drinking your fortune delight you can also receive benefits similar to that of eating your green vegetables!  It promotes alkaline pH.  (Check out my previous blog on Acid/Alkaline balance  Due to its high antioxidants it helps to fight free radicals and is naturally low in calories.  Fortune Delight assists the body's natural elimination processes, helping to remove impurities that may be stored in fat cells.  It helps "move out fat!" 

This is our families favorite beverage!  We go through pitchers of Fortune Delight in our household everyday.  I even send it in my boys lunch kits when they go to school.  It feels good knowing that I am sending them off for their busy day with something so concentrated and good for them.  Fortune Delight is great to replace sodas, diet drinks, iced teas, juices, sports drinks, vitamin water and other beverages. 

I always take my bottle of Fortune Delight to the gym with me or on a run.  It comes in several flavors: cinnamon, peach (our favorite), regular, lemon and raspberry.  They are all delicious!  What is great is that they are so convenient to take with you in your purse or gym bag or to have in your desk at work.  It is a powder and comes in small packages.  As simple as opening it up and dumping it into a bottle of water and shaking it up!

Life just seems so fast paced and Sunrider recognizes the need for quick, convenient fast food.  However, they are serving up a HEALTHY FAST FOOD! Whenever we leave the house for an activity or whether I am simply going to be out for a few hours running errands we always have Fortune Delight, Suncare and a Sunbars along.  We don't need to make a quick stop at a drive thru window for some unhealthy, greasy, fattening, sugary drinks or snacks.

Sign up today by purchasing a Fortune Delight business pak and you can begin receiving the wonderful benefits of this beverage as well as have over 400 amazing products at your finger tips.  Check out to learn more.  Don't forget there is also the option of earning a living, going on wonderful trips or just earning enough money to have your products paid for.  It's up to you!  For those of you that aren't interested in a business, don't worry!  You can simply sign up and enjoy purchasing without any obligation to sign anyone up or sell products. 

Check out Sunrider Facebook!/sunrider

Ingredients: Camellia extract, lemon extract, chrysanthemum flower extract, jasmine extract and lalang grass root extract.

Yours in health,

Certified Holistic Nutritionist
Kristy Kurtz
(306) 924-5242

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

E-MOTIONS and how they affect our health

Your body responds to the way you think, feel and act. This is often called the “mind/body connection.” When you are stressed, anxious or upset, your body tries to tell you that something isn’t right.

Poor emotional health can weaken your body's immune system, making you more likely to get colds and other infections during emotionally difficult times. Also, when you are feeling stressed, anxious or upset, you may not take care of your health as well as you should.  You may not make yourself healthy meals, grab for those unhealthy snacks more often or you may not feel like exercising as usual.

E-motions are stored in the body.  When e-motions are blocked they will vibrate to a corresponding organ system.  Stress is felt in the stomach and intestines first.  E-motions control the size of the small arteries and effect changes in blood circulation.  The emotional brain maintains the immune system and the bodies capacity for healing itself.

We all occasionally experience the e-motions of sadness, anger, fear and frustration. When these feelings are kept inside and not dealt with, they operate invisibly for a time.  What then happens to these unexpressed feelings is for example: sadness is express by tears, whether they are released or not, the tears exist.  When the sadness is internalized and not expressed, it stays inside as moisture and swellings of the body occur.  These e-motions, when habitual, are capable of starting changes in the body.  E-motions are important and must be kept moving through the mind for wellness to be maintained.  They only become a problem when they are not dealt with or held onto longer than necessary.

Language is the link between the body and the mind.  Even phrases like "that breaks my heart", "it's a pain in the neck"and "i just love it to death" hinder wellness and create imbalance.  By listening to what we are saying we can eliminate disease causing thoughts.  Anxiety leads to fear, which is galvanized by conflict.  Sadness rises when grief is held.  Depression mounts when the view of the future is blocked. 

Below is a chart that corresponds the Chinese elements with the organs of the body and how our e-motions affect different organs.  You can refer to this chart if you are feeling any of these emotions and see what is going on.  The Elements correspond to different seasons as well. 

Wood - Defense System

Spring time
Gall Bladder (yang)
 Liver (yin)
Anger, frustration     “I hate”
Inability to express
Release – hug a tree
Water - Circulatory

Bladder (yang)
Kidney (yin)
Fear, anxiety        “I’m afraid”
Release – trust in the universe
Metal/Air - Respiratory

Large Intestine (yang)
Lungs (yin)
Guilt, grief, regret “You know”
Toxic shame             “Eh?”
Release – plant a tree
Earth - Digestive

Stomach (yang)
Spleen/Pancreas (yin)
Sympathy, worry   “I’m sorry”
Too much thinking
Release – toning or humming
Fire - Endocrine

Small Intestine (yang)
Heart (yin)
Circulation Sex
Excess in any form  “I ate the
Too much fun/luxury  whole thing”
Lack of joy            “Woe is me”
Not enough fun    “I’m depressed”
Release – visualize a rainbow


*Repeated negative phrases and expressions can be used as an indication of which organ system is not expressing its potential.

One technique we can use to release stuck emotional energies involves combining breathing, feelings and attention in a ritual of constant purification.  When you find yourself locked into a particular emotional rut, quickly center and begin concentrating on deep breathing, which acts as a pump to keep the process moving; and to eliminate automatic thinking. 

Sunrider Foods for the different season:

Wood - Alpha 20C for the immune system
Water - Life Stream (LS) for circulatory system
Metal/Air - Conco for the respiratory system
Earth - Assimilaid (A.D.) for the digestive system
Fire - Prime Again (P.A.) for endocrine system

Not only is it important to take care of yourself physically, spiritually, but emotionally as well.  Take the time you need to deal with things head on even though it may be tough at the time, it is better for you in the long run. 

Yours in health,

Certified Holistic Nutritionist
Kristy Kurtz

Monday, September 10, 2012

And I Shaved My Legs for This?!

Adrenaline is still pumping today after yesterday's Queen City Marathon here in Regina, SK.  My family and I took part in the Relay Race and what a great feeling!  Our team consisted of myself, my brother in law, my husband, father and brother and boy am I proud of all of them! 

                                  Team Name: And I Shaved My Legs For This

It was such an exciting day and the atmosphere was amazing!  It's an amazing feeling when thousands of people come together to support each other.  There were many, many volunteers and countless supporters along the way that encouraged the runners, walkers, relayers.  I have NEVER felt anything like it.  Strangers cheering you on, telling you "you can do it", "keep going", "you are amazing".  Children out with signs and people handing out oranges or watermelon from their driveways.

I imagine what it must be like to be a professional athlete and how good it must feel to have so many people cheering you on.  I think about our Saskatchewan Roughrider Football team and how we have the best fans here in Regina and we love our Riders no matter what the outcome!  We never give up on them.  I now understand "the 13th man" more than ever and how we as their fans make a huge difference and how much I appreciated all the people that took time out of their busy schedules to make a difference to all of us.  I say a huge thank you to all the volunteers and supporters and everyone who took part in the QCM! 

When I awoke at 6 a.m. yesterday morning I was very nervous as I have never really competed in anything like this.  Not even in high school did I take up running.  It's never really been my thing and I was looking forward to getting my "leg" (which consisted of 10.5 km) of the race over with!  To be honest I am not sure if there is really anything enjoyable about it.  I don't find it relaxing at all.  My dad had a goal and a dream of us running in the race together so I figured I would take one for the team (family) and get 'er done.  However that morning, as my dad and I stood watching and waiting with anticipation for my brother in law to get to the "exchange zone" (where we switch runners) I felt a tad emotional.  Just being a part of it and seeing all these runners out, trying to achieve their goals and listening to all the kind words of encouragement and pride people expressed to their friends and family and random strangers. 

When I started out running I had been standing outside for over 40 minutes and it was chilly!  I think it was only around 7 degrees celsius.  I had my vibram barefoot runners on and as I had stood outside for so long my feet were very cold and it actually felt like I was running and pounding the pavement with ice blocks on my feet.  As the time passed they thawed out and I felt pretty good.  However, every time I saw a marker stating that distance I was always shocked to learn I had only just ran another 2 or 3 km thinking surely I must be half way done!  I kept a consistent pace throughout my race and was quite pleased with myself that I was able to do that considering it was only one of a few times I had actually been outside to run.  I am more of a gym person and therefore did all my running on the treadmill.  Therefore, my feet and body were not used to the rather hard surface or the different inclines.  I now know what to expect for next year.  Yes, I know I can't believe I just said that either!  I plan on doing it again next year.  I have to beat my time from this year!  Or maybe, just maybe take it a little further and do the half marathon.  We will see!  That is a long time away and yet to be determined.  However, I am definitely interested in taking in more 10K runs now that I know what to expect and that it wasn't as bad as I thought.

I feel great today and not suffering from any muscle soreness or pains.  Thanks to my Sunrider foods that helped keep my body and muscles nourished.  I had been experiencing some muscle aches and tension and tightness in my glutes and hamstrings the week prior.  So the day before the race I took 15 Sports Caps and the morning of I took 10.  I did some stretching and also drank 1 vial of Evergreen and Sunrise to to help give me that energy boost and endurance I would need.  I also started my morning with a Vitashake smoothie which I also added hemp hearts, chia seeds, Barleans flax oil and fish oil and lots of fruit to give my body the highest quality nutrition I could possibly give it.  Thank you Sunrider for these amazing foods that kept me energized and strong!

Sunrider Foods that I recommend for sports and fitness:
Sports Caps - Athletes and active people are most concerned with physical stamina and endurance, as those are keys to achieving peak performance. SportCaps® are designed to address those concerns.

SportCaps® contain a concentrated blend of herbs formulated by owner expertise to enhance athletic or other forms of strenuous activity. Our exclusive formula contains all-natural energizers without any chemical and synthetic additives. It is designed to increase stamina, strengthen resistance and reduce stress.
Sunrise - Sunrise® provides a natural energy boost with herbal ingredients harvested only while their active components are at their peak. Whether you're a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, you'll appreciate the support Sunrise® gives you. Because it is formulated with Sunrider owner expertise, there isn't a comparable product on the marketplace.

Formulated without artificial sweeteners, colors or preservatives, the nutrients in Sunrise® are easily absorbed and processed by the body. Based on the Philosophy of Regeneration, our formula helps you to maintain optimum health through proper nutrition and keep the body in balance.
Evergreen - The highly concentrated chlorophyll in Evergreen® addresses the body's circulatory and digestive systems.* Evergreen® is exclusively formulated herbal concentrated with owner expertise and based on the Philosophy of Regeneration: to maintain optimum health through proper nutrition and keeping the body in balance.
If you were to consume green, leafy vegetables in order to achieve the effect of one bottle of Evergreen®, you would need to eat a tremendous amount, hardly possible in a regular meal. All natural, Evergreen® does not contain artificial sweeteners, colors or preservatives.
Fortune Delight - Similar to Calli® in providing antioxidant benefits, Fortune Delight® is also concentrated and comes in powder form. Catechins are naturally occurring polyphenol chemicals found in Camellia extract, the primary ingredient in Fortune Delight®. These antioxidants have been shown effective in absorbing damaging free radicals.  For more information:
Vitashake - VitaShake® is a whole food concentrate enhanced with vitamins and minerals in a delicious powder form. Like NuPlus®, VitaShake® helps fill in the nutrition gaps you may have in your diet with the added benefit of whole fiber. VitaShake® is formulated with Coix Fruit, a powerful antioxidant, and fructooligosaccharide (FOS), a probiotic soluble-fiber carbohydrate that supports the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Unlike other brands that contain chemically processed or animal-based protein powders, our soy protein in VitaShake® is similar to super-concentrated tofu. This makes VitaShake® a wonderful nutritious shake for young and old people who require easily digestible food.
Also, because we use a whole food base with natural vitamins and minerals in our exclusive formulation, you will absorb more of the nutrients when you eat it.

Ideal for dieters and people on the go, VitaShake® is a convenient alternative to other products that contain questionable ingredients such as ephedra and artificial sweeteners.

Yours in health,

Kristy Kurtz
Certified Holistic Nutritionist