Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Diet and lifestyle factors are the most effective treatment for chronic forms of disease, far more than any results you could get from any drug or surgical therapy, according to scientific and medical literature.  This should not surprise you; what causes disease promotes disease.  If you eliminate the cause, then the body's healing mechanisms can take over, resulting in improvement or recovery.
Eating too many acid foods causes the body to retain fluid.  The body can retain up to 90lbs.  If you want to lose weight, eat Alkaline foods, along with no added salt, no sugar or hydrogenated oils. 
Everything we eat we should burn!  If it doesn't burn than it is stored in our tissues.  Our bodies were designed to digest whole foods not chemicals.
Eating properly is YOUR CHOICE.  If you eat these foods along with your Sunrider foods, exercise, and focus on happy thoughts, your body will come into balance.

Our body is about 20% acidic and 80% alkaline, therefore it is recommended that we consume approximately 20% acidic foods and 80% alkaline foods. The pH sale goes from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral (water) .  Below 7 is acidic and above 7 is alkaline.  pH is actually an exponential scale, meaning every unit change equals a 10-fold increase.  For ex. a difference of 2 units, from 7 to 5 would mean that the acidity is 100 times greater and so on.  Coca Cola being pH 2 is 100 000 times more acidic than water, coffee with pH 4 is 1 000 times more acidic than water.  It is not a good idea to consume these kinds of drinks at any time and especially when out of balance.

Acid runs your Battery not your Body

Acid                                                                                   Alkaline
- toxic to all cells                                                               - increases glycogen formation
- muscles fatigue easily, slow down                                  - higher muscle output
- free radicals oxidation - you age faster                           - antioxidant
- vitamins & minerals are not absorbed                            - increased assimilation at cellular level
- friendly bacteria in small intestine die                            - reduction of candida (yeast) overgrowth
- skin, hair loses tones, texture                                          - skin more elastic, youthful
- premature aging, bad hair day
- sleep pattern disturbed                                                    - deeper more restful sleep
- cold, infections, headaches                                             - suffer from fewer colds, headaches, flu's
- cells are "stressed" with toxins build-                            - toxins are removed from cells
up and not removed
- mental energy depleted                                                   - legal natural high
- physical energy is reduced                                              - abundant physical energy
- osteoporosis - acid leaches minerals                               - chemistry won't support osteoporosis
out of bones
- angry, argumentative, violent,                                         - increased mental alertness
- cancer - happens in an anaerobic
- one glucose molecule creates 3 ATP                              - one glucose molecule creates 34 ATP
- from: stress, excess work, exercise                                 - from: meditation, massage, yoga
Acid Forming Habits - anger, rate, complaining, nagging, envy, obsessive jealousy, fear and anxiety, going without sleep, gossip and backbiting, hateful emotions and dreams of revenge, lack of exercise, overwork, pessimism, shallow breathing and holding your breath, worry, fretting and obsessing
Alkaline Forming Habits - breathing deeply, contentment and happiness, exercise, fresh air, joyful emotions and expressions of joy, laughter, loving and being loved, optimism, rest, sleep, yoga and other activities that help you relax and clear your mind.
Be Energized - Be Alkaline
Yours in health,
Kristy Kurtz
Certified Holistic Nutritionist

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