Friday, August 31, 2012

Why is Sunrider my choice in the health food world?

After my last post on "Nutrition Misinformation" and warning you to be cautious when it comes to purchasing products from your local health food store, online or wherever you buy your supplements, I thought I should let you know what it is that makes the Sunrider products that I recommend so different than anything else.

Those of you that know me personally know how passionate I am about Sunrider and their products.  For those of you that don't know me I would like to explain to you why Sunrider is my choice and the choice of my family.  Sunrider has made sense to me from the beginning (when I first learned about it over 5 years ago) and even after taking my courses and educating myself on nutrition through the Alive Academy of Natural Health they are still my #1 choice!  Let me explain what it is that separates Sunrider from all the other herbal food companies in the world, and why we love them so much, and why I will always recommend Sunrider products.

I have been consuming their Herbal Foods and Beverages, Weight management and sports nutrition, nutritional supplements and using their Oi-Lin skincare and cosmetics as well as their Sunsmile cleaning products for over 5 years now and I would NEVER be without them.  They are a part of my daily routine and I always have my favorite products with me when I leave the house or go on vacation.  

The fact that they are a family owned business and do their own research, development and self manufacturing is reassuring and extremely rare today.  I have had the privilege of meeting the Chen family (founders) and touring the manufacturing plant in Torrence, California twice now as well as travel the Mediterranean sea with them.  Their high standards and owner expertise are unlike any other.  Dr. Tei Fu Chen is a world renowned herbalist with a degree in pharmacy, Dr. Oi-Lin Chen is a western trained medical doctor.  Their son, Dr. Reuben Chen is a medical doctor and accupuncturist whose main interest lies in physical medicine and rehabilitation (sports medicine).  Their son, Eric Chen (a PhD candidate) is an organic chemist.  Combined they lead a team of scientists to research, formulate and manufacture all Sunrider products.  They are the only herbal food company in the world that manufacture their own products.  When you meet them you hear and feel the passion they have for putting out the safest, highest quality products you can find.  They make these products for themselves, their children and grandchildren first.  Sunrider is Dr. Chen's pride and legacy and he will not jeopardize the quality of his product to make a few extra dollars. 

Sunrider - They manufacture there own products!

                                                         Celebrating 30 Years of Success!
                                       Dr. Tei Fu and Dr. Oi-Lin Chen with their five children.
                                    The Chen Family - Children, Spouses and Grandchildren

What makes their products superior to the others on the market?  The answer is simple!  Their "Philosophy of Regeneration".  What does that mean you ask?  I explained it in a bit more detail in my first blog, but will touch upon it again.  This philosophy of regeneration is the blueprint for every Sunrider product.  Their products are designed to nourish, balance, and cleanse your body with a variety of foods, not chemicals.  Sunrider products are extremely concentrated to help you achieve optimal health and beauty.  This is not a new science.  It is based on over 5000 years of research and ancient manuscripts.  Sunrider has  been around for 30 years and has stayed true to the integrity of their product. 

Why replace your vitamin-mineral supplements with Sunrider?

Food contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids and carbohydrates.  The health food industry takes food apart and isolates these nutrients (or make them in a laboratory of synthetic ingredients).  They are not food!

This is where Sunrider differs.  Sunrider is WHOLE FOOD that has been raised on nutrient rich soil, no chemicals, chemical fertilizers, pesticides or insecticides applied.  There are no wax coatings, irradiation, food coloring, artificial flavoring or added sweeteners.  Eating Sunrider is adding the highest nutrition available.

What is the difference between food and chemicals?  A fish (food) is made up of the following chemicals: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.  A fish will break down into these chemicals, but can you take those same elements and make it into a fish?  No!  If an earthquake strikes a hotel, it will break down into a pile of bricks, stones, etc.  What is the difference between the pile of debris and the hotel?  The structure.  Food has life structure.  The life structure is what makes chemicals into foods.

We need vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc, but we need them in food form not separated from food as in an isolation process.  Isolated vitamins and minerals from food is a science just a little over 75 years old.  Always remember the body was made to recognize food, not chemicals.

Above: Sunrider Documentary - If you are intrigued by what you have read in regards to Sunrider and would like to learn more the video above is awesome!!  It is 20 minutes in length, but definitely worth taking the time to watch.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me to inquire further.

Yours in health,


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Nutrition Misinformation

Do you Feel Overwhelmed by all the products on the market???

There is so much information out there today about nutrition and new products being introduced onto the market everyday claiming to be "ALL NATURAL" and cure all formulas.  It can be extremely overwhelming and is definitely hard to know if the product you are buying actually does what it says it will, or has the ingredients in it that it states that it does. 

I feel obligated to warn you to be cautious when purchasing these products.  The nutrition information offered to the public can be a mix of truths, half-truths, and gossip.  The information does not have to meet any standard of truth before it can be printed in magazines, newspapers, TV and radio,  and the internet.  That is a sad, but true fact. 

Not everyone who is in the business of nutrition has the goal of maintaining or improving people's health.  Many are simply in the business to make money.  Promotional materials are made to sound scientific and nutrition research is often conducted by people or companies that have something to gain from the end result.  Here is a checklist to help you identify nutrition misinformation:

1. Is something being sold.
2. Does the product or service offer a new remedy for problems that are not easily solved (for ex. obesity, cellulite, arthritis, hair loss, energy, wrinkles, aging, stress)?
3. Are such terms as "miraculous," "magical," "secret,", "immune boosting," or "studies prove" being used.
4. Are testimonials before and after photos or expert endorsements used?
5. Does the information sound too good to be true?
6. Is a money back guarantee offered?

I hope that little checklist can help you the next time you are trying to decide whether or not something is worth spending your hard earned money on and that it is in fact doing you more good than harm.

We all want to feel good and live a high quality of life!  Nobody wants to be sick or suffer from discomfort and I just hope that I can give you advice, tips and facts that can help you make informed decisions for yourself.  We are responsible for our own health.    How we choose to live and what we choose to put into our bodies plays a big factor.  

After writing this blog it made me think, how do those of you that don't know me personally, in fact know that I am who I say I am. So hear is a picture ofmy designation to put you at ease! 

Yours in health,

Kristy Kurtz
Certified Holistic Nutritionist

Monday, August 27, 2012

Bone Boosters also known as Calcium!

Here I am sitting at my kitchen table and as you can see it is covered with books and information on the mineral known as CALCIUM.  I could literally write pages and pages on this one topic alone, but to save you all from extreme boredom, I will try to keep it concise and to the point (if that is at all possible).  I am an information junkie when it comes to this sort of thing. 

Being diligent in my research!! 

As you already know Calcium is important when it comes to strong teeth and bones.  About 99% of the 3lbs of calcium in the body is located in the bones and teeth.  The remaining 1% is found in blood and other fluids.  It is very rare that you hear anything about this other 1%, however it is very active!  Every time a muscle contracts, a nerve sends out a signal, or blood clots to stop a bleeding wound, calcium is involved.  Calcium is also involved in fat metabolism and even helps to maintain the correct pH in our bodies. We lose weight easier with a proper pH and the right amount of calcium. 
Bones develop and mineralize throughout the first 3 decades of life.  Peak bone density, or the maximum level of mineral content in bones, is reached somewhere between the ages of 30 and 40 years old.  After that, bone mineral content no longer increases.  By the time woman are 70, for example, their bones are 30 to 40% less dense on average than they once were.  If you are a female your chances of Osteoporosis are 1 in 4 or for a male 1 in 8.

Calcium Absorption

This can be a very complicated process.  Taking calcium does no good if you are not absorbing it.  Calcium absorption is usually linked to other substances.  When calcium is ingested with a meal, lack of gastric acid does not help calcium absorption.  This is why it is recommended and more effective taken in smaller doses throughout the day and before bedtime.  When taken at night it also promotes a sound sleep.

Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption as well.  It helps to absorb calcium from the intestinal track and the kidneys, helping to maintain normal calcium levels and proper bone metabolism.  As we age, the capacity of our skin to produce vitamin D drops to 25 - 50% that of young adults.  Most foods do not contain vitamin D.  Fatty fish, such as mackeral, wild salmon, sardines and catfish are good sources as well as shitake mushrooms.  Small amounts are also found in egg yolks.  90% of our vitamin D comes from sunlight and the remaining 10% from food. 

People with dark skin require substantially more exposure to sunlight for vitamin D production.  For example, where light skinned people need 10 - 15 minutes a day, people with increasingly darker skin need from 30 minutes to 3 hours a day!!!! 

Reducing Calcium Loss

Everyday our kidney`s filter about 8,000 mg of calcium and we reabsorb about 98% of it.  Listed below are some major "calcium thieves".

Protein - Research has shown that for every gram of dietary protein above 47 grams per day, we lose about 0.5 mg of calcium through the urine.  This is because a by-product of protein breakdown combines with calcium and carries it out of the body.  That is simply one more reason not to load up on protein and protein powders!

If you expect to meet your calcium intakes with dairy you will want to read this!  When cow`s milk is pasteurized it is heated up.  Heating it up makes the protein like rubber and makes it hard for the body to digest.  Pasteurizing kills the enzymes that are needed to help break down the milk to make it absorbable.  If you want to get calcium from dairy the best sources are your fermented yogurts or kefir. (There will be more to come on the topic of dairy in a later blog).

When protein was derived from animal products people excreted 150 mg of calcium in a 24 hour period, but only 103 mg when protein was derived entirely from soy.  People with diets high in animal protein are likely to need more calcium than those with plant based diets. 

Sodium - High intakes of sodium decrease our kidney`s ability to reabsorb the calcium that passes through.  The amount of sodium we require each day is very low.  Generally, we meet basic sodium requirements through the sodium that is naturally present in foods and water, without added salt.  For every 1,000 mg of sodium in our diets we lose about 20 - 40 mg of calcium.  When this occurs we are losing 20 - 40% that has already been absorbed.  If we only absorb 15-20% of our dietary calcium, this means that extra gram of sodium in our diets should be counterbalanced by about 100-267 mg of dietary calcium.  1 level tsp of salt provides 2,400 mg of sodium.  This is also the amount many experts suggest as our max for the day.  To protect your bones check the labels for sodium content.

Coffee - One innocent looking cup of coffee taken daily causes 1.4% loss of bone calcium per year in woman past the age of 50.  (That`s 14% per decade!) 

Soda Pop - Some of the most popular sodas contain phosphoric acid to balance their sweetness and to stop growth of micro-organisms.  Phosphoric acid can increase calcium excretion as well. 

Calcium Retention

Several lifestyle factors affect bone health, two prime example being hormonal balance and exercise!

Hormonal Balance - Estrogen appears to aid in calcium absorption and help our bones retain calcium.  (If you would like more information on hormonal balance and how you can attain this let me know and I can help recommend a few things).

Exercise - the importance of exercise to bone health cannot be overemphasized.  Exercise sends a powerful message to the bones to preserve calcium and keep bones strong.  Other than our diet, there is nothing more valuable to our bones than exercise.  Taking part in 45 minutes to an hour of weight bearing exercise (such as walking, running, cycling or dancing for example) 3 - 5 times a week plus a session with free weights, exercise machines or other similar resistance exercise 2 - 3 times a week are our best ways to help our bones retain calcium.

Recommended Foods high in Calcium

Greens: Broccoli, Chinese Greens (Bok Choy), Collards, Kale, Okra and Mustard and Turnip Greens - Greens are among our best bone - builders for reasons beyond their unbeatable calcium absorption.  They`re high in vitamin K - the darker the leaf, the better.  Vitamin K plays a essential role in helping our bone-building cells perform their task. 

Legumes and Soyfoods - Tofu, soybeans, red beans, navy beans, lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, etc.  Although all beans contain calcium, some have more than others.  White beans contain the highest at 226 mg per 1 cup!

Nuts, Seeds and Butters - almonds, almond butter, flaxseed, sesame tahini, hazelnuts. Almonds are a good choice.  They are particularly rich in calcium.

Figs - Just 5 figs contains 137 - 197 mg of calcium.  These were a training food for early olympic athletes.  Figs are restorative.  They increase strength of young people, preserve the elderly in better health.

Blackstrap Molasses - Molasses can be concentrated in pesticides that were sprayed on the cane and chemical residues, so organic brands are a great option.  Use blackstrap not regular molasses for calcium. 

There are also many other options available to us other than cow's milk out there such as: almond milk, soy milk, rice milk, etc. 

Recommended Supplements:

Sunrider`s Herbal Calcium - What makes Herb Cal Tab better than any other calcium on the market?  First of all, there are 3 types of calcium included in the forms of calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, and calcium gluconate.  Each type has a different absorption characteristic that enable the highest chance of our bodies to be able to absorb them.  Dr. Chen has also added dandelion (a natural source of calcium) in the `whole food` form of course as well as two essential enzymes, bromelain (from pineapples) and papain ( from papaya fruit) to help in the digestion process by breaking down the protein into amino acids and alfalfa which also has a high level of calcium with naturally occurring enzymes and chlorophyll.  This cal tab also contains elemental magnesium and vitamin D.  And, by no accident many of these herbs and enzymes have anti-inflammatory actions as well!

Can you take too much calcium?  Yes, you can!  That is why getting calcium from your table foods and the Sunrider calcium (which is made from whole foods) is a much wiser choice than an isolated source (supplemental calcium).  Too much calcium can lead to constipation, drowsiness and cause calcium to deposit in tissues such as the liver and kidneys. 

Sunrider`s Evergreen - This liquid chlorophyll is rich in iron, zinc and calcium.  It`s main ingredients is chlorophyll from the alfalfa plant.

Barlean`s Omega Swirl Fish Oils - the most absorbable oil and #1 Best Selling Omega 3 on the market!!!
 - This is a great way to get your Vitamin D!!! 
 - Comes in many delicious flavors.  Check our

It can be an overwhelming task trying to keep track of how much you have eaten in a day and how many mg of this and that you have eaten.  Have you gotten enough or haven't you?  When I take my Sunrider products and Barlean's oils as recommended I don't have to think about it. 

If you are interested in these products please inquire and I will give you the information you need to be able to purchase these products.

Yours in health,

Kristy Kurtz
Certified Holistic Nutritionist
Sunrider Independent Business Owner

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Protein - How much should you eat and what type is the best?

Did you Know? The average protein intake is 50 to 100% higher than protein recommended intakes? Yes, Protein is involved in almost every biological process of the body, but you must be careful with the quality of protein you are putting into your body as well as how much. Excessive intakes put extra stress on the kidneys and liver. It may also promote excessive losses of body calcium and perhaps accelerate age related decline in renal function. After fulfilling the necessary building, repair and maintenance functions, extra protein becomes a burden on the body.

Like I mentioned above it's not only the amount of protein, but the quality of protein eaten that is important.  The quality can seriously affect cell functions.  Plant protein is a wonderful source of protein.  The key to success is eating a variety of complementary sources of protein.  Most of the time people think of animal protein or protein powders (isolated protein) when talking about protein.  Did you know that eating protein powder does not make your muscles grow?  You can't just consume protein powder and watch your muscles grow (no matter how convincing the ads are).  If that was true, everyone who wanted a rippled stomach and bulging biceps would have them.  Neither essential amino acids nor protein supplements by themselves increase muscle size and strength.  Muscle size and strength are built slowly from the raw ingredients of a healthy diet and resistance training. 

Plants are very powerful so don't rule them out!!  Plants and trees can grow through cement and rocks!  You see them growing out of the sides of mountains!  Here are some great examples of plant protein: 1) Legumes (beans, peas, lentils and soy foods).  They are extremely low in fat, high in protein, iron, zinc and fiber.  Legumes are protein powerhouses of the plant kingdom!  The percentage of calories from protein in lentils, kidney beans, soybeans and tofu is in the same range as regular ground beef, cheese, and eggs. For diabetics, heart disease patients and those who want to reduce risk of these diseases, legumes have been show to lower blood cholesterol levels and improve control of blood sugar 2) Nuts, Seeds and their butters - People who ate nuts 5 times a week compared to those that ate them once a week had half the risk of heart disease.  Nuts contain fiber and protective phytochemicals and are rich in Vitamin E.  Nuts and seeds are our very best sources of dietary fat because of the type of fat. 3) Grains - Certain grains such as amaranth and quinoa have amino acids patterns similar to that of animal products.  As a bonus, grains are low in fat and provide iron, zinc, B vitamins and fiber.  Other good sources of grains include millet, oatmeal, rye and wheat. 4) Vegetables and Fruits - Some vegetables derive 30 - 40% of their calories from protein.  Broccoli, mushrooms, salad greens and spinach have a very high protein content.  Carrots, yams, kale and baked potatoes are good too. 
As you can see the best way to get protein is to eat a wide variety of foods because foods contain so many different vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals.  You cannot get that out of the protein powders or vitamins and minerals you buy at the health food store.  The body cannot digest most protein drinks because they are usually made from "isolated" protein.  You lose weight on the isolated protein powders because there is really no nutrition there and you are starving your cells of nutrients.  They are simply a chemical the body cannot digest. 

How much protein should you be consuming a day you ask?

Age in Years Grams/pound body weight
0.0 - 0.5 0.69
0.5-1.0 0.50
1-3 0.50
4-8 0.43
9-13 0.43
14-18 0.39
19 and up 0.36

Recommended Distribution of Calories For Athletes
                             Protein           Fat          Carbohydrates
Most Athletes          12-15%         <30%         60-65%
Endurance Athletes   12-15%       <25%          65-70%

What is the difference between VitaShake and other health workout and diet shakes on the market?  The amount of calories, cholesterol, sodium and sugar to name a few.  This whole food concentrate can be a meal replacement or a fortifying snack.  Perfect for busy families, athletes and people on the run!  VitaShake provides your body with a host of essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals and protein.  This super shake contains a powerful antioxidant (coix fruit) and a probiotic soluble fibre carbohydrate (FOS) that supports the growth of beneficial bacteria.  Unlike other brands that contain chemically processed or animal based protein powders, the soy protein in VitaShake is similar to super concentrated tofu, which makes it easy digested.  VitaShake is REAL FOOD!   It does not contain any chemicals, preservatives, artificial sweeteners or isolated nutrients.  One package contains 4 g of protein, 3 g of fiber and 5 g of sugar (natural sugar from fruit). 

Another great product is the Sunbars.  These can be a meal replacement or just eaten as an excellent energy bar!  Only 110 calories a bar and contains no added sugar or artificial sweeteners, preservatives, chemicals, just pure whole food goodness!  The usual choices in energy bars are high in fat, sodium, sugars and contain isolated soy.  One bar contains 5 g of protein and 4 g of fiber and 6 grams of sugar (natural sugar from the fruit).  Both of these products are great before and after workout snacks or meals.  They provide a great combination of protein and carbohydrate ratio for athletes and are very satisfying and and help curb cravings for unhealthy food as they nourish your body at the cellular level.

If you would like more information on either of the products recommended and how to purchase them I would love to hear from you!  

Welcome to my Blog Site!

I hope you have had a fantastic summer!  It sure did fly by!  We had such a busy summer and lots of fun times and made great memories!  Stephen and I had the privilege of attending Sunrider’s 30th Anniversary and Convention in Long Beach, CA and had a wonderful time learning from the Chen family, visiting the manufacturing plant and making new Sunrider friends.  I am now back to getting things organized for the fall and back to school and into a routine again, which I am looking forward to.

I just wanted to take the time to let you know that I have finished my course and received my Certification as a Holistic Nutritionist.  I am so excited!  You may be wondering what is Holistic Nutrition?  Holistic nutrition looks at the whole person –body, mind, and spirit – in terms of the physical, environmental, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social aspects of that person’s lifestyle.  It is holistic too, in that it promotes a partnership between patient and health practitioner in the healing process.  It emphasizes prevention over cure and treatment of the causes, not just the symptoms of disease.  Natural health is based on the ability to protect and heal itself from sickness given the right support.

 I have been very involved in Sunrider and learning about nutrition and whole foods has been a passion of mine for several years now.  What has been great is that after taking these courses that varied from Sports Nutrition to a Vegetarian Diet is that I am more excited about Sunrider than ever because it has just reaffirmed everything that I knew and learned and read before.  Our bodies need WHOLE FOODS, not chemicals or isolated nutrients and we need a wide VARIETY of foods.  Nutrition plays a major role in the prevention, treatment and cure of most disease and sickness.  We are dying of obesity and malnutrition at the same time!  As living, growing, fuel burning organisms, we cannot build strong new cells and maintain a healthy immune system on dead matter. Simply put “lifeless” food cannot sustain life.

 Sleep deprivation, stress, drug use, poor diet, and emotional trauma are just a few things that weaken the immune system.  A healthy diet that is packed with phytochemicals, proper exercise, and certain nutritional supplements and herbs, on the other hand, can greatly strengthen.  The foods we buy in the supermarkets are sprayed with poison, chock full of chemicals and preservatives, grown in nutrient-depleted soil, and then stored on shelves indefinitely.  This “dead food diet” results in massive nutrient deficiency.  That being said even eating as clean as we can it is impossible for our bodies to receive the amount of nutrients and the variety of nutrients we need in a day.  Sunrider is like nothing else on the market as it is made with whole foods (foods that have been used by the Chinese for over 5000 years).  Dr. Chen the founder and manufacturer designs each product with the same blueprint “ The Philosophy of Regeneration”.  The 4 principles behind that philosophy are 1) Nourish + Cleanse = Balance – Sunrider foods are made to balance not cure 2) Foods, Not Chemicals, Even vitamins, minerals, fats and carbs by themselves are just chemicals.  3) Variety – variety is crucial in maintaining nutritional balance.  Sunrider puts its foods together in such a way to help compensate for weaknesses as every food has strengths and weaknesses.  Dr. Chen knows which herbs to put together to enhance the strengths and eliminate the weaknesses.  4) Formulation and Concentration – Balance in only achieve when the rights foods are combined – thats why expertise and knowledge are essential and technology is available to properly extract desired ingredients.  It’s not as simple as putting fruits and vegetables in a juicer.   This is another reason I LOVE Sunrider.  All the hard work has already been done for me.  It’s as simple as making a shake or a smoothie, eating a sunbar and taking a few capsules and drinking my favorite beverages Calli tea and Fortune Delight.  All these products are high in naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, fats, carbs, proteins, live enzymes, antioxidants, fiber, etc.  They give your body support and fill your daily nutritional gaps.  Life can be pretty busy these days and I know in our house when the boys get into their activities and there is barely time to make a meal I can feel good knowing they have gotten everything they need when they have eaten their Sunrider Foods! 

 There are MANY products out on the market today and it can be extremely overwhelming to know which the right choice is.  I feel confident in not only consuming the Sunrider products, but in promoting them to all my friends, family and anyone else I meet.  They are made with safe and high quality ingredients that the whole family can benefit from.  They have over 400 products to choose from.  They have their Herbal Foods and Beverages, Weight management and Sports Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Kandesn and Oi-Lin Skin Care and Cosmetics and SunBright and Sunsmile products as well. 

 Not only do they have the best products, but the best business plan available today.  There is the pot-ential of getting your products paid for or you can go as far as earning $10 000/month in one year and higher!  If you or anyone else you know are interested in learning more about what Sunrider can offer you financially, health wise, meeting their fitness goals or wanting that glowing, radiant skin please let me know.  With my blog site I plan on updating you regularly with facts, quotes, tips and lots of informative information on incorporating healthy foods into your daily diet, exercise and everything that goes along with a healthy lifestyle!  I will feature certain products, discuss specific vitamins, minerals and have topics on all sorts of things like fats, proteins, carbohydrates, diabetes, heart diesease to name a few. 

Don’t wait until tomorrow to change your lifestyle. There has never been a more crucial time to take charge of your own health.  The future is right now!

          Here is a photo of some of our favorite products that we brought back from Convention!
Stephen and I all ready to tour the manufacturing plant.  Sunrider has very high standards when it comes to cleanliness.
                         Here we are all dressed up and ready for the wonderful Gala Evening.
Myself standing outside the Sunrider Headquarters. 
 I am excited to hear from you and being able to help you with whatever your needs may be  You can also check out this great video which features Sunrider on the "Common Cents" Cable TV Business Program .