Those of you that know me personally know how passionate I am about Sunrider and their products. For those of you that don't know me I would like to explain to you why Sunrider is my choice and the choice of my family. Sunrider has made sense to me from the beginning (when I first learned about it over 5 years ago) and even after taking my courses and educating myself on nutrition through the Alive Academy of Natural Health they are still my #1 choice! Let me explain what it is that separates Sunrider from all the other herbal food companies in the world, and why we love them so much, and why I will always recommend Sunrider products.
I have been consuming their Herbal Foods and Beverages, Weight management and sports nutrition, nutritional supplements and using their Oi-Lin skincare and cosmetics as well as their Sunsmile cleaning products for over 5 years now and I would NEVER be without them. They are a part of my daily routine and I always have my favorite products with me when I leave the house or go on vacation.
The fact that they are a family owned business and do their own research, development and self manufacturing is reassuring and extremely rare today. I have had the privilege of meeting the Chen family (founders) and touring the manufacturing plant in Torrence, California twice now as well as travel the Mediterranean sea with them. Their high standards and owner expertise are unlike any other. Dr. Tei Fu Chen is a world renowned herbalist with a degree in pharmacy, Dr. Oi-Lin Chen is a western trained medical doctor. Their son, Dr. Reuben Chen is a medical doctor and accupuncturist whose main interest lies in physical medicine and rehabilitation (sports medicine). Their son, Eric Chen (a PhD candidate) is an organic chemist. Combined they lead a team of scientists to research, formulate and manufacture all Sunrider products. They are the only herbal food company in the world that manufacture their own products. When you meet them you hear and feel the passion they have for putting out the safest, highest quality products you can find. They make these products for themselves, their children and grandchildren first. Sunrider is Dr. Chen's pride and legacy and he will not jeopardize the quality of his product to make a few extra dollars.
Sunrider - They manufacture there own products! |
Celebrating 30 Years of Success!
Dr. Tei Fu and Dr. Oi-Lin Chen with their five children.
The Chen Family - Children, Spouses and Grandchildren
What makes their products superior to the others on the market? The answer is simple! Their "Philosophy of Regeneration". What does that mean you ask? I explained it in a bit more detail in my first blog, but will touch upon it again. This philosophy of regeneration is the blueprint for every Sunrider product. Their products are designed to nourish, balance, and cleanse your body with a variety of foods, not chemicals. Sunrider products are extremely concentrated to help you achieve optimal health and beauty. This is not a new science. It is based on over 5000 years of research and ancient manuscripts. Sunrider has been around for 30 years and has stayed true to the integrity of their product.
Why replace your vitamin-mineral supplements with Sunrider?
Food contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids and carbohydrates. The health food industry takes food apart and isolates these nutrients (or make them in a laboratory of synthetic ingredients). They are not food!
This is where Sunrider differs. Sunrider is WHOLE FOOD that has been raised on nutrient rich soil, no chemicals, chemical fertilizers, pesticides or insecticides applied. There are no wax coatings, irradiation, food coloring, artificial flavoring or added sweeteners. Eating Sunrider is adding the highest nutrition available.
What is the difference between food and chemicals? A fish (food) is made up of the following chemicals: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. A fish will break down into these chemicals, but can you take those same elements and make it into a fish? No! If an earthquake strikes a hotel, it will break down into a pile of bricks, stones, etc. What is the difference between the pile of debris and the hotel? The structure. Food has life structure. The life structure is what makes chemicals into foods.
We need vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc, but we need them in food form not separated from food as in an isolation process. Isolated vitamins and minerals from food is a science just a little over 75 years old. Always remember the body was made to recognize food, not chemicals.
Above: Sunrider Documentary - If you are intrigued by what you have read in regards to Sunrider and would like to learn more the video above is awesome!! It is 20 minutes in length, but definitely worth taking the time to watch. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me to inquire further.
Yours in health,